ENCHANTED: A word that means “sung over.” This series covers parts of the Old Testament book of SONG OF SOLOMON, from which we will learn the beautiful gift of God called love expressed in the human relationship of marriage between a man and a woman.
Week 1: The Art and Science of Attraction (Pastor Jon)
Week 2: Perfect Timing (Pastor Jon)
Week 3: Intimacy As God Intended it to Be (Pastor Ta)
Week 4: Pick the Right Fight (Pastor Ta)
Week 5: For As Long As We Both Shall Live (Pastor Elijah)
This Church Family Gathering combines our anniversary celebration and the annual report. Join us for an evening of celebrating God’s faithfulness as well as vision casting by our Lead Pastor.
Register at the Next Steps Table.
Sign up for BAPTISM. Click on the picture for more information.
Join us for a MESSIANIC PASSOVER SEDER on Good Friday night.
Passover Seder meal remembers the redemption of Israel from slavery in Egypt, which mirrors the sacrifice of the Messiah, Jesus.
Let’s celebrate the RESURRECTION OF JESUS, the most important event in all of human history!