Heart For The House is our Christmas/Year-end offering
where we give generously above and beyond our regular tithes to say that we are committed to what God has called our House to pursue in the coming year.
This year our goal is $15,000.
At Mosaic, we preach the Good News of Jesus! As we prepare for 2021, we want to see more people hear and receive the message of Grace and Love that comes from Christ, find freedom from addiction and brokenness, find community where they are loved and will grow in Christ, have their life and eternity transformed by relationship with God through our house, Mosaic Church. What we can accomplish together will always be greater than what we can accomplish on our own. Every year at Christmas, we make a pledge and give to prepare for what we will do in the upcoming year for Heart For The House. This offering will help us end the year strong and start the new one stronger!

Heart For The House is not the same as tithing or regular giving to the general fund.
Tithing and Heart For The House are two different types of giving.
In the Bible, you had three primary ways of giving;
1) Tithes (Hebrew word: ma’aser which means 10%),
2) Offering (Hebrew word: korban which means sacrifice), and
3) Charity (Hebrew word: tzedakah which means righteousness).

Heart For The House is an offering. Offerings are special gifts given to specific purposes above tithing to accomplish specific needs; not simply to help us function week to week but to faithfully step out into the unknown to accomplish the above and beyond that which God has called us within the Great Commission.

Before you make a pledge, ask God what He wants you to offer. Let the Holy Spirit help you decide on the amount; and step in faith to obey what He says. Galatians 5:16, NLT So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives… Once you’re ready, make the pledge.



                                                            Click here to make a Pledge for Heart for the House.